I can't remember the last time I actually felt so crappy that I ended up in bed all day. Yup, did't get out of bed until about 3pm (well, except of course for a little bit around breakfast and lunchtime to feed the kids but as soon as I was done I headed right back to what felt like my deathzone). The best way to describe it is it really felt like someone had taken a sledge hammer and gave me a good whack upside the head. Oh, and then the dreadful dry cough I couldn't keep under control and the constant cold sweats - I hate those! My poor kids! Ethan was actually really cute and understanding as he would come in and check on me quite often and ask if I was ok and then say he was sorry that I felt so sick followed by a hug. All in all they were pretty well behaved and I think it was all due to me having no objection to them destroying the house today. That kept them pretty busy! LOL.
But I do have to say that I really have nothing to complain about. I found out early this morning that my brother, Ethan, took a fall last night and is currently in ICU. He was working on his house that he's building and I guess he fell a storey into the basement. He broke the T12 in his back, has internal bleeding in his brain and three fractures at the bottom of his skull (not the first time he's broken his back, and if you know my brother he's been through quite a lot in his life and he's really lucky to still be walking let alone still be with us). My SIL told me that he knows who people are but is still a little phased and doesn't make sense a lot of the time. They are waiting for another CT scan this evening to determine if the internal bleeding is still there or if it has subsided. I guess why I'm writing this is for all of those who know our family, especially Big Ethan, and those of you who don't, please keep him in your prayers. I'm just beside myself since I'm so far away from home and all I can do is wait patiently by the phone for updates. I just wish I could be there to show my support or just be there to help out in anyway that I can! Candace and especially Ethan we LOVE you and are definately praying for you! And darn it, quit doing this to us! **Said lovingly**