Sunday, July 27, 2008

Edyn Says The Darndest Things

This morning as we were getting ready for church, Edyn was in the bath tub and as I was washing her hair I asked her the question "Are you going to primary today?". Now the reason I posed this question was to somewhat prepare her for going today. The last month or so when Sacrament was over and it was time to head to classes she immediately started crying and saying "NO primary! NO primary!" and it ended up being quite the struggle. So today I decided to try and prepare her for it by talking about it and saying how much fun it was going to be. Well her response isn't exactly what I expected. So after asking "Are you going to primary today?" she started to shake her head and exclaimed "NO Jesus! NO Jesus!". All I could do was giggle. Not the best way to react when you are trying to teach something to your child but I'm sorry, it was waaaayyyyy too cute.


Lulu said...

awww poor edyn. for some reason about two months ago nina was the same way about nursery. but then it took about a month to get her to like it again. i still have no idea why she stopped liking it and then why she liked it again.
i can just picture edyn saying "NO Jesus". what a sweetheart!

Mistie said...

What a sweety. I love the funny things they say!! I swear it goes in waves as to whether they like church or not!!

Erica said...

I love that girl!